Welcome From The Provincial Charity Steward

Provincial Charity Steward

It is an honour and privilege to be appointed your Provincial Charity Steward / Festival Chairman. The role itself is a challenge, especially in the times that we find ourselves. I want the ‘Suffolk Festival 29’ to be enjoyable, memorable and as pain free as possible for us all.

When I joined freemasonry back in 2009 one of the areas that interested me and persuaded me to join was the ‘charity’ element, I like to help others and I get huge satisfaction from helping someone and seeing the difference you have made to their lives. So it is very apt that I find myself now in the role of leading Suffolk in our festival. Helping our Provincial Almoner and acting as a Visiting Volunteer has given me great experience and enabled me over the last five years to also help others. During this Festival both the Almoner and Charity teams will continue to work closely together to deliver improved service to our members and community.

At our last Festival we raised around 1.5 Million since then we have had 2 Million back from the MCF in grants, aid and support for our own members and local charities, as well as £14 Million pledged to be spent on Cornwallis Court that is not a bad return on your investment.

A key focus for our Festival is looking after ourselves and that includes our own charity the MCF, as well as our own members and ensuring that in Suffolk we get something back for our hard work during the festival.

If there is one thing you can do to help me and the Festival appeal it is to consider signing up for the DD or Regular Payment Plan and receive your honorific and wear your jewel with pride.  If each and every one of us did just that we would achieve our goal easily. We have created a number of other options to help and to ensure its easy to remember, we have called it the “Seven Steps”. So please get behind Suffolk, lets work together, have some fun, support and help each other to make this a successful Festival.

If we reach or exceed the total from the previous Festival, you have my promise that in 2029 we will celebrate in style with an unforgettable celebration that will be open to all Suffolk Freemason and their families – and the best part is that it will be free of charge!


Jon Neill